Golden The Pony Boy

一个不小心感冒了,头晕晕沉沉,不停打喷嚏,流鼻涕。本来想着写完"science of sleep"电影的blog就吃药睡觉了,可能身体虚弱,意志也跟着虚弱起来,乱七八糟的思绪一下就把我给吞噬了。怎么样也理不出个头绪去继续写,想睡... ...也睡不着。

躺在床上反复听着这首"science of sleep"原声大碟里面的golden the pony boy。感觉好舒服,如果有个人象这样和我聊天,哄我睡觉就好了。突然手机响了,一条短信,赶忙拿起来看... ... 原来是联通的短信广告!@#$$%%&*%^%$... ... TMD有点被人调戏了的感觉。

Stephanie: I am glad we live nextdoor to eachother

Stephane: will you... ... will you marry me... ... when you are seventy. you got nothing to lose.

Stephanie: em... ... ... OK!

Stephane: would you mind... ... keep on talking to me for a little while. cause I thought I was possible to talk in my sleep. I feel like falling down into a black hole

Stephanie: you know that you can never see someone falling in a black hole, cause the image of traveller passes the horizon will slow down, will remain stuck in the same position........

Stephane: traveller gets crushed into spaghetti, I dont want to be a spaghetti, I dont want to be a spaghetti.

Stephanie: no, you wont be spaghetti.

Stephane: I dont want to be a spaghetti... .... .....

Stephanie: Stephane, are you here?

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每次报站,每次停车,脑海中都开始浮现出站台上面城市的影像,以前在这个城市游走的情形象电影一样一幕幕的上映。只是车开得越远,这种影像变得越模糊,只能不断地从记忆中寻找一些别的影像来填充这种缺失,王家卫电影里摇晃的都市镜头,报纸和杂志里关于广州相关的文章,还有一些虚无的关于城市的混杂印象.. ... 只是列车驶离黄沙站后,脑海就像被拔了电的电视机一样,一片黑暗,再也不能产生什么影像,沿线剩下的地方实在太陌生了,根本没有一丁点的记忆可以供我想象。

去到终点站,发了个短信给朋友“几号出口”, 朋友很快回了一个短信“只有一个出口”。出得站来,一篇漆黑,只听到隆隆的汽车声。我靠,什么鬼地方,心里不禁嘟哝着。刚刚所有真实的,虚幻的影像一扫而空,突然发现自己对这个自己生活了二十多年的城市是如此陌生,而且一点归属感都没有。


一直都挺喜欢这首歌,觉得james blunt这首wisemen比you're beautiful更好听。只是一直都不太明白歌词里面的those three wise men到底是什么意思,但每次听这首歌的时候,总会被高潮部分的那句“where are you now?" 所感动。

最近身边的朋友们,包括自己,生活都有挺大的改变。可能到了一定年纪,大家都想有所改变,有所突破,辞职的,创业的,结婚的... ...即使还暂时保持现有状态的人也是迷茫到不行的样子。这首歌送给我的朋友们,希望大家都能找到自己的方向。

She said to me, "Go steady on me.
Won't you tell me what the Wise Men said?
When they came down from Heaven,
Smoked nine 'til seven,
All the shit that they could find,
But they couldn't escape from you,
Couldn't be free of you,
And now they know there's no way out,
And they're really sorry now for what they've done,
They were three Wise Men just trying to have some fun."

Look who's alone now,
It's not me, it's not me.
Those three Wise Men, they've got a semi by the sea.
Got to ask yourself the question,
Where are you now?
Got to ask yourself the question,
Where are you now?

Really sorry now, they weren't to know.
They got caught up in your talent show,
With you pernickety little bastards in your fancy dress,
Who just judge each other and try to impress,
[ Wisemen lyrics found on ]
But they couldn't escape from you,
Couldn't be free of you,
And now they know there's no way out,
And they're really sorry now for what they've done,
They were three Wise Men just trying to have some fun.

Look who's alone now,
It's not me, it's not me.
Those three Wise Men,
They've got a semi by the sea.
Got to ask yourself the question, where are you now?
Got to ask yourself the question, where are you now?

Look who's alone now,
It's not me, it's not me.
Those three Wise Men,
They've got a semi by the sea.
Got to ask yourself the question,
Where are you now?
Got to ask yourself the question, where are you now?